I was following a news story about a Great River Energy construction project in Spiritwood, North Dakota (just East of Jamestown) and found out the Great River Energy plant in Elk River, Minnesota (just North of Minneapolis) has been host of a peregrine falcon nest for three years in a row and have a cam up which can be viewed at their website.
Well, it's too late this year because they are fledglings and out of camera range most of the time now. Maybe next year.
There are pictures, however. Links below.
NOTE: Baby falcons are called eyasses.
Bird Cam:
Great River Energy’s Elk River Station is a perfect site for a nesting box because it is located in a peregrine falcon migratory flyway. The site, beside the Mississippi River, is also a draw because the birds prefer to nest in high locations near water.
2008 cam pics
2007 cam pics
Spiritwood construction project
Peregrine Falcon (Falco peregrinus)
1. The name "peregrine" means wanderer.
2. Has one of the longest migrations of any North American bird.
3. A very fast flier, avg 25-34 mph traveling, up to 69 mph in pursuit of prey, high of 200 mph dropping down toward prey.
4. Minnesota not on range map for peregrine falcon.
A favorite nesting site nowadays is a tall building or bridge in a city; these urban Peregrines subsist mainly on pigeons.
Google images:
flickr sets
(Creative Commons License)
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