My companion saw it, I didn't, so I handed him the camera with tele and he took the picture.
Nice one too.
For ID,
I got it drilled down this far:
Phylum Arthropoda - Arthropods
Class Insecta - Insects
Order Odonata - Dragonflies and Damselflies
Suborder Zygoptera - Damselflies
Family Coenagrionidae - Narrow-winged Damselflies
Genus Enallagma - American Bluets
Species carunculatum - Tule Bluet
Species civile - Familiar Bluet
Species clausum - Alkali Bluet
Species exsulans - Stream Bluet
Species praevarum - Arroyo Bluet
All things considered (area, photos, etc.) my guess would be:
Alkali Bluet
Dragonflies and Damselflies (Odonata) of the United States
Odonata of North Dakota

(Dragonflies and Damselflies of West Virginia Site - GOOD diagrams)
Damselfly Anatomy
Dragonfly Anatomy
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