Saturday, November 13, 2010

Robert Frost

“The best way out is always through.”
—Robert Frost
The way out is through.
A familiar phrase to me.
I found out Robert Frost said something very similar, so I hunted down the reference.

It's from A Servant to Servants.
The Poems of Robert Frost
Specific Page

The Road Not Taken
Robert Frost poetry
Biographical Preface
Running commentary by Louis Untermeyer
(b 1 October 1885 – d. 18 Dec 1977)
Illustrations by John O'Hara Cosgrave II
(b. 10 Oct 1908 - d. 11 May 1968)

I'm not sure about the copyright on these, but I like how it's presented in book form online and you can turn the pages and zoom in as desired.
There are plenty of other places on the Net that have Robert Frost poems as well.

Here's a story about Frost that I found interesting. He sent some of his poems to The Atlantic and was turned down.
Details of this in Atlantic article.
I found places online that I suspect spun the story into more than it was, and I could not verify, but this much of the story is straight from the source.

Found this photo of Frost when googling:

Frost on Cover of Life Magazine
Dated March 30, 1962

I liked this portrait of Frost so much I hunted it down.

Life Mag
Portrait Of Robert Frost
Portrait of smiling American poet Robert Frost, 1962.
A cropped version of this photograph was used on the cover of the March 30, 1962, issue of Life magazine.
Photo: Dmitri Kessel/Time & Life Pictures/Getty Images
Jan 01, 1962

The photographer (Kessel) is deceased.
Dmitri Kessel Obituary
Published: March 30, 1995

So Frost was almost 88 years old on that picture.
Notice Frost died about a year later.
Robert Frost at wiki
(b 26 Mar 1874 – d. 29 Jan 1963)

Frost spoke and read some poetry at the inauguration of President John F. Kennedy on 20 Jan 1961.
In 1962, he went to Russia.
Boy, he sure got around for someone who was in his late 80's.

Search for Robert Frost at Life Mag to find a JFK and Frost photo.
Also google for Robert Frost images at

I blogged a Frost poem, Acquainted With The Night, earlier.
The video is still at YouTube.
Ron Perlman's voice (Beauty and The Beast).
(I still really like this video - imagery/sound/reading/voice.)

Tuesday, November 09, 2010

Thoreau Quote

I decided to blog the reference for that Thoreau quote I use on my blog (right column).

The quote:
“To perceive freshly, with fresh senses is to be inspired.” —Henry David Thoreau

In this Journal:

By this handsome guy:

Henry David Thoreau
(b. 12 Jul 1817 - d. 6 May 1862)

Journal available at:
google books
Volume VIII

Thank you to this blogger for giving me the reference.
Dated Sat, 11 Dec 2004
Thoreau's Journal: 11-Dec-1855

more quotes with references

Friday, November 05, 2010

Backyard Visitor

Strolling thru the backyard...

Grab the camera and run out the door.
Not a very good pic, but happy to get something rather than nothing.
Almost looks like a dog, doesn't it.
The bushy tail gives it away (white tip not seen on photo).

Red Fox Vulpes vulpes (Vulpes fulva)

"Even when fairly common, it may be difficult to observe, as it is shy, nervous, and primarily nocturnal (though it may be abroad near dawn or dusk or on dark days)."

This was about 10 am. So maybe a little unusual to be out at that time? He did not look shy or nervous to me. Looked right at me and just kept moving as usual. Maybe intent on some possible food?

npwrc nd mammals

Some of the regular visitors right now are a blue jay, which I hear screech but don't see, a magpie, which I do usually see, and still some hearty robins hanging around in cool November.

Friday, October 29, 2010

Add Lyrics Tag To Song and Display

Windows Media Player 12 (WMP12) no longer has the Advanced Tag feature and you can't add lyrics to your songs.
It will display lyrics if they are tagged to the song. (New laptop with Windows 7.)

mp3 tag software
Install, Load, Drag and drop the song into that.
Right click the song, select Extended Tags, click on add field icon, select UNSYNCEDLYRICS Field from dropdown and paste the lyrics into Value area.

In Windows Media Player 12, in Now Playing Mode (not Library Mode), right click screen and select Lyrics, Captions, and Subtitles, check On If Available.

Lyrics should now display in WMP12.

Now why the lyrics display is restricted to a tiny area of the screen is a mystery. Such was the case in previous versions of WMP too, though, so nothing new there.

Can also use a plugin to add lyrics to songs, see post
I prefer to do it manually per above instructions.

I tried to find out if VLC or Winamp could display lyrics, but could not find anything. I don't know of another Windows 7 music player that will display lyrics.

Thursday, October 28, 2010


Just a Dream, Nelly
Just The Way You Are, Bruno Mars

Brian McFadden:
(Departed from Westlife band in 2004.)
Sorry Love Daddy
(That Irish accent.)
Real To Me
Lots more of McFadden at YouTube.

The above two McFadden songs are from his album, Irish Son. This was in Nov 2004 right after he left Westlife.
Almost Here song is with Delta Goodrem.
Married to Kerry Katona (UK) 5 Jan 2002, separated Sep 2004, divorced Dec 2006, 2 daughters (2001, 2003).
Engaged to Delta Goodrem (Australia), Nov 2007 (Dating in 2004?)
Next album was Set in Stone in 2008.
His new album Wall of Soundz came out in April 2010. Songs have more of an upbeat dance tone to them.
Just Say So

Official Website
Personal Scoop
The Life of Brian dated Nov 2004.
“I had to change a lot of things recently in my personal life and my work life, and I'm doing this because I want to be happy. Thing is, I'm finding you can't do that without first going through a lot of pain. But if I get happiness in the long run, it'll be worth it.”

Brian-daily fan site.
"Currently, Brian resides in Sydney, Australia."

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Suburban Girl - Movie

Suburban Girl (2007)
Rewriting her dream in the big city.
Sometimes the ending is only the beginning.

Another ShowTime freebie.
I found it channel surfing and surprisingly liked it.
I guess it never was released to theatres, just available on DVD.
Stars Sarah Michelle Gellar (Buffy) and Alec Baldwin.

Supposed to be based on the book:
The Girls Guide to Hunting and Fishing, by Melissa Bank.
But the book sure didn't sound much like the movie.

NOTE: Watched the movie again and in the opening credits it says the movie is adopted from two of the short stories found in the book:
"My Old Man" and "The Worst Thing a Suburban Girl Could Imagine."

Here are some of the songs that I liked from the movie.

Charm Attack, by Leona Naess
About 15:30 into the movie when she's shopping and looking at the leather pants.

Space Age Love Song, performed by Abra Moore, which I could not find anywhere on the Net.
About 34:50 when they are driving down the road.
Here's the song performed by A Flock of Seagulls

Cold Hearts by Club 8
About 1:15:15 when the black car drives away.

No Fear by Melissa Tallon
Plays at the end of the movie.

That dress LOL
The End

Easy enough to make my own "Beginning:"


Did more digging on some things from this movie.

1. The "proximity without intimacy" Dante quote.
In the book it is just stated and assumed as fact. (Short story "My Old Man") In the movie it's questioned. Brett (Jane in book) says to Archie, "Dante never said that." Archie's holding a Dante Inferno book and says, "You're right." (19:36 into the movie.)

Try as I might I can't find the origin of that phrase anywhere. The references online are all parroting the same thing. I think it might be an urban legend quote.

(I thought the movie was WAY better than the short stories in the book, BTW.)

2. Doré Illustrations.
One of the Inferno ebooks at Gutenberg is illustrated by Gustave Doré.
Click on Doré and it shows a bunch of works illustrated by him. has HUGE sizes of the Bible story illustrations, for close-up detail views.

3. The car.
My favorite scene in the movie is when Brett and Archie go for a ride in that car and Abra Moore is singing Space Age Love Song.

So what kind of car is that?
At imdb somebody said they thought it was a
Morgan Roadster Plus 8.
A British car, but there is a
USA site also. Must have to adapt them to US standards/restrictions maybe? Anyway, it's fun to look at all the Morgan cars. I like them. I'd love to test drive one. Ha. (Isis Imports, Northern California.)

4. Alec Baldwin
I don't know all that much about Alec Baldwin, but I found mention of some of his personal troubles. It makes the movie scenes about Archie's daughter more poignant.
I plan to read Baldwin's book, A Promise to Ourselves.
Also, I found an Actor's Studio episode of him at
YouTube - Inside the actors studio - Alec Baldwin (part 1)


I got a better magpie backyard photos for my collection. (previously)

Best head shot:

Best sideview, but head is soft.

That tail is l-o-n-g.

Wingspan - 22–24 in
Length - 17.7–23.6 inches


I was wondering what they look like in flight all spread out.
Best one I could find is a photo of a yellow-billed magpie at Flickr
(1024 x 703)

Photographing Owls

Googled the topic of photographing owls. Sounds more complicated than I want to mess with. I know nothing about infrared or flash at night. Don't hunters sometimes use infrared camera setups to learn of activity in certain areas? I didn't think the quality would be that great.

Here are some relevant links on the topic:

Finding/Photographing Owls
Jul 10, 1997
(See Good news/bad news reply.)
"Once you locate a great-horned owl pair, you are likely to find a pair in the same area for the rest of your life."

Mentions fill flash, further down.
So probably some kind of flash is needed to photograph them.
Read further...

The Night Shift -- Photographing Owls and Bats
Home Photographic Technique The Night Shift -- Photographing Owls and Bats
June 25 2008
(Talks about a Photo Trap, a high-speed infrared camera triggering system and flash units.)

More on that here.
Capture the Incredible Using the Photo Trap and High Speed Flash
Wednesday, June 25 2008 Joe McDonald
(Has photos of the equipment.)

Photographing Owls
13th February 2003
Mentions high speed flash and lamps.
May hunt during daylight hours when breeding.

Owl Graphic
(Miscrosoft Office 2010 Images)

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

October Autumn

Got out for a photo walk. Perfect autumn day. Calm, Clear, Cool Crispy jacket weather.
Beautiful colorful autumn this year.
Still plenty of color out there, which is a little later than usual I think.
I'm glad.

Just pretty red:

At the right place at the right time:

Still some flowers out there:

These leaves were gorgeous in various stages of color. I call them gradient leaves.

This one house along the river always has something out for the different holidays and seasons:

Birds were active this day. I even managed to capture a chickadee photo since many of the trees don't have many leaves.
I saw robins, a sparrow, a woodpecker, and chickadees.

This is a not very good photo of a downy or hairy woodpecker. I'll post it because it's all I have so far of that bird.

Downy Woodpecker (Picoides pubescens)
Downies and their larger lookalike, the Hairy Woodpecker, are one of the first identification challenges that beginning bird watchers master.

Nifty Striped Clouds:

Pretty gold on the river:

Bench in a bed of leaves:

Letting Go Of God

Another ShowTime freebie that I liked.
Letting Go of God (2008)
Julia Sweeney.

To me, it wasn't *overly* negative or *overly* exaggerated for comedic effect. More of an honest personal story told in a sometimes funny sarcastic way, sometimes touching way. I could relate to it in a lot of ways.

My favorite part was where she was talking about how the stories in the Bible are not literally true, but psychologically true. And she kinda talks and thinks that through for a while.
Of course, psychologically true...etc...
And then pause.
And then...
What does that mean?!
That cracked me up.

There were other moments like that, but can't recall more.

She liked Karen Armstrong's, History of God, and that's where she got the thought about psychologically true. Sweeney kinda raved about how much she liked Armstrong's book. But I didn't like Armstrong's book much. Mostly because the references sucked, as I recall. It's been quite a few years since I've read it.

The show is long, a little over 2 hours. The Psychologically true part is about 45 minutes into the program.

The entire thing can be found at YouTube.

Part 1 of 7
YouTube - Julia Sweeney, Letting Go of God Monologue: 1/7

Part 5 of 7
"Have you READ that book?!" (Bible) LOL
Then at about 6:11 She talks about Armstrong and Psychologically true.

Another interesting thing about Julia Sweeney is that she quit public storytelling around March 2010.
Her blog post about that:
I plan to stop being a public, personal, storyteller.
Dated Tuesday, March 09, 2010.
"I no longer wish to be so naked and bare."
"I began to look at the darker side of telling stories about my personal life."

More on that and how she met her husband in a couple of Chicago news items.

Julia Sweeney, suburban housewife
Former “Saturday Night Live” star has let go of Pat, God and the urge to explore her foibles in public
March 07, 2010|By Mary Schmich

"The letter-writer had seen 'Letting Go of God,' her show about becoming an atheist after a lifetime of Catholicism. He told her she should marry his brother, Michael..."

"...she discovered a new desire. To be quiet and alone. No parties. No dinners. No big public life."
"'I'm not an activist," she said. 'I'm trying to get off the whole atheist racket.'"
"She also claims she's done using her life as her art. One reason is her daughter."

You Should Know ... Julia Sweeney
It’s Pat!—with a new husband, a new North Shore address, and a new comedy series at the Lakeshore Theater
By Bradley Lincoln
Dated July 2009.
"'I got an e-mail with 'Desperately Seeking Sweeney-in-Law' as the subject line,' she says. 'It was from a fan who thought his [Chicago-based] brother would be perfect for me,..."

Saturday, October 09, 2010


Sunshine (Come On Lady) by Josh Rouse
It was difficult finding a place to play a GOOD version of this song.
Link is Rhapsody.
It's the one on the 1972 album.
It's Sunshine (Come On Lady), not just Sunshine which is a different song, evidently.

Heart Is Hard To Find by Jimmy Eat World
Also at MySpace

Stars Come Out by Heather Nova
(All I could find.)
From ATB - Trilogy Album

Best In Me by Blue
A nice love song.

Lost by KT Tunstall
KT has a new album out called Tiger Suit (US 5Oct10).
More songs from the album at YouTube, but I think Lost is my fav.
KT is still HOT.
I like her.
And she married her drummer a couple of years ago. Did not know that.

Saturday, October 02, 2010

Zoo6 - Geese and Swans

My fav of this group were the Black Swans (Cygnus atratus):

Breeds mainly in Australia.

Trumpeter Swan (Cygnus buccinator):
(Not sure what kind of duck that is beside the swan.)

North America, but not North Dakota.

Bar Headed Goose (Anser indicus):

Central Asia

Snow Goose (Chen caerulescens):

npwrc checklist says present in North Dakota.

Cornell shows a "blue morph" of snow goose which looks like an unidentified duck/goose pic I have:

Cornell says:
"Until recently, the Blue Geese, as the dark birds were called, were considered a separate species. They are now recognized as merely a dark form (or "morph") of the Snow Goose."

Zoo5 - Raptors

Bald Eagle (Haliaeetus leucocephalus)


Golden Eagle (Aquila chrysaetos)


Red-Tailed Hawk (Buteo jamaicensis)
I've posted Red-Tailed Hawk pics before, but not a trio:
"OK everybody, say cheese."


Hawks, Eagles, and Falcons of North Dakota

Dakota Zoo Facebook
Bald Eagle Pic
"The Dakota Zoo serves as a rehabilitation center for injured and orphaned raptors. These birds are on loan to us from the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service."

Zoo4 - Snowy Owl

One of my favorites at the zoo, was the Snowy Owl (Bubo scandiacus).

She (I think it's a female) would get a little excited— fluff up the wings/feathers, go around in a circle, and make noise— if I shuffled my feet in the pile of leaves on the trail. So that was quite entertaining. :) I should really capture these moments on video, but just wasn't prepared for that.

Snowy Owl (Nyctea scandiaca)
"Strictly a bird of open country, it is practically never seen in a tree; it sits on the ground, a rooftop, or other exposed resting place."

Bubo scandiacus (Linnaeus, 1758)
Strix scandiaca Linnaeus, 1758
Nyctea scandiaca Stephens, 1826
"Until recently, it was regarded as the sole member of a distinct genus, as Nyctea scandiaca, but mtDNA cytochrome b sequence data (Olsen et al. 2002) shows that it is very closely related to the horned owls in the genus Bubo."

Sign at Zoo said:
"...recently found to be very closely related to the Great Horned Owl through DNA analysis."
"adult male is nearly solid white, while the females are mottled with black."
"Unlike most other owls, they hunt primarily during the day."

"These Owls are highly diurnal, although they may hunt at night as well."

diurnal [active during the day] vs nocturnal [night] vs crepuscular [twilight]

"...the snowy is a regular wintering bird in North Dakota and can often be seen perched conspicuously on haystacks, fence posts and stumps."

Owls of North Dakota


Zoo3 - Cat Family - Felidae2

More cats.
The bobcat and puma photos were my favorites for the more natural setting.



Bobcat (Lynx rufus):


There was supposed to be a Canada Lynx (Lynx canadensis)
there too.

That got me thinking about Bobcat vs Lynx and Cat Family in general. So I studied that taxonomic info for a while.

Taxonomic Info

Pallas, Puma (Mt Lion/Cougar), Bobcat/Lynx

Tiger, Leopard:

Here's a photo of a pallas (Otocolobus manul)—new arrival at the zoo, evidently:


Small Mammal Checklist for North Dakota:
Family Felidae:
(Felis concolor) Mountain Lion
(Felis lynx) Lynx
(Felis rufus) Bobcat

Zoo2 - Cat Family - Felidae

The star of the show was a White Bengal Tiger (Panthera tigris) because she(?) came right up to the viewing window and gave me several poses for my photo shoot.

Bengal Tiger (Panthera tigris):

Golden Tabby Tiger (Panthera tigris):

Seemed kind of out of it. Just stood there in front of the picture window and starred. I could put my face right up to the glass and she/he wouldn't move. Well, I certainly got up close and saw detail that way. ;)
Zoo sign said:
"There are no known golden tabby tigers currently in the wild."
"Sometimes called the 'strawberry tiger,' due to the coloration, this is a color variation of the Bengal tiger, and not a separate species."
"Records indicate that there are less than 30 golden tabby tigers in the world."

All three Bengals are on loan from T.I.G.E.R.S..

Bengal Tiger NatGeo
Bengal Tiger Wiki
White Tiger Wiki
"This coloration is caused by a recessive gene."

Zoo1- Photo Shoot

This is my first photo shoot at a zoo.
I took both of my cameras. The Canon S3 point and shoot (for wide angle and great DOF or sharp thruout) and the XSi Canon with telephoto lens for close ups and blurred backgrounds. It was a little challenging blurring out the fencing. Sometimes my cameras just would not focus correctly. I changed to Manual Focus setting. And then sometimes the situation just wasn't right either. If the subject was too close to the fence I couldn't blur it out.

Another thing to be mindful of are any subjects with white coloring had the tendency to get overexposed and I'd lose detail in that area (like the bald eagle). So maybe shoot a little underexposed/dark in those situations.

On to the photos - part 1:

Alaskan Brown Bear (Ursus arctos) or Grizzly Bear (Ursus arctos horribilus):

The bear looked kinda depressed or lonely or something, standing there with his head on the rock.
Brown Bear Links: wiki and NatGeo
Grizzly Links: wiki and NatGeo

American Alligator (Alligator mississippiensis):


River Otter (Lontra candensis):

Supposed to have these in North Dakota. Didn't know that.
On a npwrc checklist
Family Mustelidae - in with the weasel, ferret, badger, mink, skunk.
Wiki on Otter

Dakota Zoo Map
Dakota Zoo Facebook