Suburban Girl (2007)Taglines:
Rewriting her dream in the big city.
Sometimes the ending is only the beginning.
Another ShowTime freebie.
I found it channel surfing and surprisingly liked it.
I guess it never was released to theatres, just available on DVD.
Stars Sarah Michelle Gellar (Buffy) and Alec Baldwin.
Supposed to be based on the book:
The Girls Guide to Hunting and Fishing, by Melissa Bank.
But the book sure didn't sound much like the movie.
goodreadsfantasticfictionNOTE: Watched the movie again and in the opening credits it says the movie is adopted from two of the short stories found in the book:
"My Old Man" and "The Worst Thing a Suburban Girl Could Imagine."
Here are some of the songs that I liked from the movie.
Charm Attack, by Leona Naess
About 15:30 into the movie when she's shopping and looking at the leather pants.
Space Age Love Song, performed by Abra Moore, which I could not find anywhere on the Net.
About 34:50 when they are driving down the road.
Here's the song performed by
A Flock of SeagullsCold Hearts by Club 8
About 1:15:15 when the black car drives away.
No Fear by Melissa Tallon
Plays at the end of the movie.
TrailerThat dress LOL
The EndEasy enough to make my own "Beginning:"
UPDATEDid more digging on some things from this movie.
1. The "proximity without intimacy" Dante quote.
In the book it is just stated and assumed as fact. (Short story "My Old Man") In the movie it's questioned. Brett (Jane in book) says to Archie, "Dante never said that." Archie's holding a
Dante Inferno book and says, "You're right." (19:36 into the movie.)
Try as I might I can't find the origin of that phrase anywhere. The references online are all parroting the same thing. I think it might be an urban legend quote.
(I thought the movie was WAY better than the short stories in the book, BTW.)
2. Doré Illustrations.
One of the Inferno ebooks at
Gutenberg is illustrated by Gustave Doré.
Click on Doré and it shows a bunch of works illustrated by him. has HUGE sizes of the Bible story illustrations, for close-up detail views.
3. The car.
My favorite scene in the movie is when Brett and Archie go for a ride in that car and Abra Moore is singing Space Age Love Song.
So what kind of car is that?
imdb somebody said they thought it was a
Morgan Roadster Plus 8.
A British car, but there is a
USA site also. Must have to adapt them to US standards/restrictions maybe? Anyway, it's fun to look at all the Morgan cars. I like them. I'd love to test drive one. Ha. (Isis Imports, Northern California.)
4. Alec Baldwin
I don't know all that much about Alec Baldwin, but I found mention of some of his personal troubles. It makes the movie scenes about Archie's daughter more poignant.
I plan to read Baldwin's book,
A Promise to Ourselves.
Also, I found an Actor's Studio episode of him at
YouTube - Inside the actors studio - Alec Baldwin (part 1)