I was digging in the Library of Congress website for images related to Abraham Lincoln.
I started with a google image search:
loc.gov Abe
Once at the LOC, I followed the additional links to related images.
Here's just some of the interesting images I found there. (Edits mine.)
Love the hair:

This was just before Senate nomination so about 1857, born 1809 so he was 48 years old.
Another cool hair image:

Campaign poster for Republican presidential candidate Abraham Lincoln.
Justice at the left.
Liberty at the right.
Eagle at the top.
Lincoln's House:

Abraham Lincoln's return home after his successful campaign for the Presidency of the United States, in October, 1860.
House still stands today.
Lincoln's Cabinet:

Group portrait of president Lincoln's cabinet, 1861.
The Mower

Artist, Dominique C. Fabronius, contrasts the blessings of Northern free labor with the inhumanity of the Southern plantation system.
In the center a bearded farmer, possibly intended to represent Lincoln.
The text:
We have battles to fight, we have foes to subdue
Time waits not for us, and we wait not for you!
The mower mows on, though the adder may writhe
And the copperhead coil round the blade of his scythe.
Pro-Democrat Cartoon:

Presidential aspirant George Brinton McClellan between Abraham Lincoln and Confederacy president Jefferson Davis.
Tug-of-war over map of the United States.
McClellan: "The Union must be preserved at all hazards!"
Lincoln: "No peace without abolition."
Davis: "No peace without Separation!"
Wiki Info:
Abraham Lincoln
b. 12 Feb 1809 – d. 15 Apr 1865
16th President of the United States March 1861 until his assassination.
American Civil War
12 Apr 1861 – 9 May 1865
After a series of debates in 1858 that gave national visibility to his opposition to the expansion of slavery, Lincoln lost a Senate race to his arch-rival, Stephen A. Douglas. [Relates to the 1st hair image above. Douglas courted Mary Todd.]
Married on 4 Nov 1842 to:
Mary Todd
b. 13 Dec 1818 – d. 16 Jul 1882
Mary was 9 years younger than Abe.
Lincoln (2012) movie currently showing at movie theatres stars
Daniel Day-Lewis b. 29 Apr 1957 as Lincoln
Sally Field b. 6 Nov 1946 as Mary.
Sally Field is 11 years older than Lewis.
Abe and Mary's Children:
Robert Todd Lincoln b. 1843 - d. ? (Robert was the only child to live to adulthood and have children.)
Edward (Eddie)Baker Lincoln b. 1846 - d. 1 Feb 1850 (tuberculosis).
Willie Lincoln b. 21 Dec 1850 - d. 20 Feb 1862.
Thomas (Tad) Lincoln b. 4 Apr 1853 - d. 16 Jul 1871 (heart failure, age 18).