They look small in a landscape shot like that. And yeah, it was hilly, so just the tops are showing on the ones in the background.
Here's a close-up shot. They are big.

I had to get really close to them to hear them when they are spinning in the breeze. The noise didn't bother me. But I'm not so sure I'd like them dotting my landscape view at home, though.
This next one was backlit so I turned it into a sunset composite.
Just messin' around in Paint Shop Pro 9.
I added a sunset gradient layer (Color Blend Mode), a cloud pic layer (Soft Light), a moon pic layer (Luminance), and then added a few stars on a layer (Screen) with Ulead Particle Plugin.

Okay, so it was probably overkill and it doesn't look very realistic. Maybe I should have stopped at just adding the sunset gradient.
The creativity is always fun, though.