Got the idea from an Illustrator tut.
When I saw it, I thought of Tiled Clones in Inkscape right away and wanted to see if I could get something similar.
I tried the pixelate thing in Paint Shop Pro 9 (see above link) and that just made everything more complicated with worse results in Inkscape as far as I could figure out (broken clones, etc.).
In Inkscape:
I set preferences to import images as patterns automatically.
File, Inkscape Preferences, Misc, uncheck import image as bitmap.
(Just opening the image might work too, but I was working with an image pattern.)
So after importing the desired image pattern, I'm ready to set up for tiled clones.
Make a tiny circle/ellipse that will be used for tiling and place it at top left corner of image pattern.
My image size was 296W x 291H px and my circle was 9 H/W.
The circle fill/stroke:
fill = "unset paint" ("?" icon)
stroke = "no paint" ("x" icon )
fill = "no paint"
stroke = 2 line width, then set to "unset paint"
Circle must be selected (Selection Tool)
Edit, Clone, Create Tile Clones
Click the Reset button
Symmetry Tab = P1
Enter width and height of image pattern
Shift Tab: (adds spacing)
Shift X Per Column is:
20 (if fill is unset paint)
40 (if stroke is 2 line width & unset paint)
Shift Y Per Row is:
20 or 40 (same as above)
Trace Tab: (clones colors of image pattern)
Trace the tiles under the tiles is checked
Pick from the drawing = color
Apply the value to the clones' = color
Click Create
Move the source images out the way, and you have the beautiful cloned mosaic vector.
I added a black background layer to mine.
Amazing how much simpler to do this in Inkscape (and with lots more features, too).
Thank you for a great tutorial.
Thank you for posting this. You've helped me create a wonderfully unique graphic for my website!
no, I don't get it. It dosn't want a take effect. All clones has the same color even after I click on "fill with pattern... Why?
Thanks a lot! I was looking for this technique for days.
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