Tuesday, May 07, 2013

Road Trip9

Newport, OR - Day6

Hwy 101
Mile-by-Mile Guide

141.0 Newport OR

147.2 Lost Creek State Park

White-crowned Sparrow (Zonotrichia leucophrys):

I think I took a picture of him in North Dakota as a migrator.
But I think he is a year round resident here.
Lovely song.

150.9 Seal Rock State Park

Seal Rock was one happenin' place...

Seagull Drama:

Low Tiding/Tide Pooling:


Whimbrel (Numenius phaeopus):


Western Sandpiper (Calidris mauri):

A huge "swarm" of these flew in onto the beach suddenly and landed near me.

Didn't know about the Tsunami Zones along Oregon Coast:

The last tsunami of significance that affected the area was at Crescent City, CA in 1964. I'm not sure what Oregon coastal towns were affected by that or to what extent. But Crescent City had significant damage.

Headed up North of Newport as far as Boiler Bay:

Gotta watch the horizon line and keep it straight on ocean photos or it will really shout at you. Luckily, I have software that easily and quickly corrects my crooked horizon lines.

The ever present crow along the coast:

There are ravens too, but I think what I'm always seeing are crows. And they tolerate people well, so can get close up to them as in this picture.
The seagulls are very "tame" also. I walked right by one and he just sat there.

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