Saturday, November 13, 2010

Oliver Wendell Holmes

Digging around in old books online.
This info is on Oliver Wendell Holmes, Sr.
(b. 29 Aug 1809 – d. 7 Oct 7 1894)
American physician, professor, lecturer, poet and author.
In 1884, Holmes published a book dedicated to the life and works of Ralph Waldo Emerson (1803-1882).

I found a lot of poor quality Holmes books in online archives.
The following are the best quality I could find.

The complete poetical works of Oliver Wendell Holmes
By Oliver Wendell Holmes
Houghton, Mifflin and Company, 1895 - Poetry - 352 pages

Book on Ralph Waldo Emerson
By Oliver Wendell Holmes
Houghton Mifflin, 1884 - 441 pages
This one looks okay, not the newest though.
1885 versions seemed worse quality.

Poems of Oliver Wendell Holmes (1878)
Nice illustrations in this one.
No illustrator credits.
Illustrations are different from the other one (below link).
Here's a handsome fellow at the bookstore:
Your choice - A Dime

Excerpt of relevant text:

Nice dedication to Mama, what a guy:

A reddening rose in bud:

She turned, a reddening rose in bud,
Its calyx half withdrawn,
Her cheek on fire with damasked blood
Of girlhood's glowing dawn!

From: Songs In Many Keys
I. 1846 -1856.
Part Second
The Maiden

Illustrated poems of Oliver Wendell Holmes (1885)
Illustrator credits - several.
Haven't gone thru this one yet.
Shorter - only 114 pages.

Never found this quote in O. W. Holmes works, although it is attributed to him.
The best of a book is
not the thought which it contains,
but the thought which it suggests;
just as the charm of music dwells
not in the tones
but in the echoes of our hearts.

(Also sometimes attributed to John Greenleaf Whittier.)

I did find the quote in a quotations book dated 1891, so it dates back that far.

A dictionary of thoughts:
being a cyclopedia of laconic quotations from the best authors, both ancient and modern
Cassell publishing company, 1891 - Reference - 644 pages
By Tryon Edwards, D.D.
No sources, just names given for the quotes.
Fun to look thru.
Can search it at google.

Edgar Allan Poe (died 1849) and Oliver Wendell Homes, Sr. (died 1894) were born in the same year, 1809.

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