Saturday, November 27, 2010

Boyce Avenue

I love the Boyce Avenue version of this song:
Taio Cruz (original)
Boyce Avenue (cover)
Three brothers make up the Boyce Avenue band: Daniel, Alejandro, and Fabian Manzano from Florida.
Puerto Rican ancestry.
I was curious about their family of origin because of producing three musicians, but didn't find much info on that.

In the above video, the screen is split into 4-5 different views with Alejandro (Ah-leh-HAN-droh, Spanish Alexander) playing guitar, piano, some kind of drum.
I LOVE this guy's voice.

MySpace image popups say Daniel's age is 30, Fabian 26, and Alejandro 24. Look at their favorite music artists and I'm right there.
They began posting videos on YouTube in 2007 (covers and originals). I think that's how they became known and popular. I never heard of them until now when I just happened upon one of their videos on YouTube (97 of them!).

Here are a few more videos that I especially like:
Teenage Dream (cover)
Plays Piano on this one. (Katy Perry song.)

Viva la Vida (cover)
Plays drum with foot and plays guitar and sings. (Coldplay song.)

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