Monday, September 21, 2009

McKenzie Slough Wildlife Management Area

Another place marked as a wetland birding area in North Dakota is McKenzie Slough.
This is another excursion off Interstate 94 near the same exit as the Long Lake trip I blogged about earlier. (Compare maps.)

This area was significantly more difficult to access. Long Lake is way easier to access and had more birding opportunities. As we drove along the gravel road in McKenzie Slough area the rushes were so high we couldn't see much. And most birds were so far away my tele at max 300mm could barely capture them. We found one entry for walking only access, but we couldn't tell where it went and it looked so isolated that we didn't feel comfortable walking it.

These are pelicans, great egret, ducks, gulls, etc.:

Definitely great egrets and great blue herons available for possible camera capture (photos taken Sun 20 Sep 09). If we would have had more time, I might have walked the road and could have possibly gotten better captures of those flying up and out of the tall rushes.

Great Blue Heron:

Great Egret:

YellowLegs (I'm guessing):

Tern of some kind maybe:

And just for fun, I made a collage of great egrets out of my photos. All were very small captures of a single egret in flight. I added some cloud texture to the background.

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