Saturday, April 11, 2009

Reading The Wind - BOOK

I read something different, a sci-fi book.

Reading The Wind, by Brenda Cooper


See also Brenda's blog post series on the ideas explored in the book.

I discovered it the old-fashioned way--at the library.
The title caught my eye.
Good storytelling in that it moved along at a good pace and kept me interested.
The wind readers interested me the most in the story and I wanted more details on that. Or rather, where that idea comes from and if there are other books that explore a similar idea.
When I got to the part where the enemy landed, I couldn't stop reading it until I was finished.
This book is part 2 of 4.
Part 3 and 4 are not published yet.
I'm not feeling like I want to go back and read part 1, but I might read what comes next after part 2.

I've been playing around in Paint Shop Pro lately. Here's something I just created that seemed to go along with this book theme.

Image Creation Notes:
Visual Manipulations (VisMan or VM Natural),
Instant Art, Strange Life Form 2
Applied to a gradient.
Added various blurs.

1 comment:

  1. I like the art very much. Thanks for sharing it.
    Brenda Cooper
