Sunday, March 01, 2009

A Version of the Truth - BOOK

A Version of the Truth, by Jennifer Kaufman and Karen Mack.

I like this story and writing. The humor makes me laugh out loud.
I'm whipping thru it pretty fast. Almost done. I might reread this one. The use of the F word is pretty prominent, for those who don't like that kind of thing.

Setting: Topanga Canyon somewhere near Los Angeles, CA
Protagonist: "Cassie Shaw, a nature lover who's right at home with the call of birds and the sound of wind in the trees."

CBS Early Show Video
December 28, 2007 Friday

Transcript at book website
Ms. MACK: Well, sometimes the truth just isn't good enough. And then what do you do? I mean, we've all been in that situation. And you can take one road or the other, and that was sort of the dilemma.

Ms. KAUFMAN: Oh, we like writing about sort of quirky misfits.

"you're working on book number three already?"
"Another quirky misfit."
"This one disappears."

I'm definitely going to read their first book, Literacy and Longing in L.A.
"An unusual kind of love story about a woman named Dora (named after Eudora Welty) who goes overboard and uses books to escape all the challenges of her life."

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